TOP 10 NEWS OF 2010


1. Earthquake in Haiti. January 2010, occurred on 12 a devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince which left more than a million people homeless, and about 230,000 dead.
2. The WikiLeaks Cablegate. November 2010. The scandal of the decade came to seep diplomatic cables over 400,000 U.S. embassies around the world but mostly revealing the raw data from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Julian currently Assange that fact, the creator of the page facing an arrest warrant on charges in Sweden has to do with sexual abuse.
3.The rescue of the miners of Chile. August-October 2010. It was news the fact that 33 miners were trapped more than 600 meters deep, but the most important news was the final rescue them amid a dramatic strategy that kept everyone expected.
4.Terrible floods in Pakistan. August 2010. Heavy rains in July led to almost a fifth of the country was under water, leaving 2,000 dead and 20 million displaced.
5.Attempted coup in Ecuador. October 2010. Ecuador's government suffered a coup attempt that began with protests of police have been only a pretext. The Ecuadorian military rescued President Rafael Correa and the people took to the streets in his defense.
6.Nestor Kirchner died. October 2010. Former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, figure mentioned in the last decade, shocked the country and the region. On October 27, the day of national census in Argentina, the husband of the current president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, died of a massive heart attack when he was 60 years.
7.Mario Vargas Llosa gets the Nobel Prize. October 2010. The Peruvian writer first gets a prize that eluded him for over two decades. There was uproar in Peru and Latin America for such recognition. The Peruvian is the sixth Latin American on getting the Nobel Prize for Literature.
8.The Mexican war on drug trafficking. January-December 2010. In 2010, was marked by a grave situation of insecurity in the country of Mexico. The government of Mexico's offensive against cartels caused over 11,000 deaths a year.
9. Elections in Latin America.
In Uruguay, November 2010, the former guerrilla Jose "Pepe" Mujica took office on March 1, succeeding Vázquez. In Costa Rica, February 2010, Laura Chinchilla won in the presidential elections on 7 February to 8 May took over as the first woman president of that country.
In Chile, January 2010, the businessman Sebastian Pinera became the first president from the right since the return of democracy after 20 years of rule by the coalition, an alliance of Christian Democrats and Socialists.
In Colombia, June 2010, Juan Manuel Santos, took office on August 7, replacing Alvaro Uribe, whom he was his ex-minister.
In Brazil, November 2010, Dilma Rousseff, a former guerrilla, a former chief of staff and the party of Lula Da Silva, became the first woman to hold the presidency of the republic. Take office on 1 January.
10.Earthquake in Chile. February 2010. A catastrophic earthquake of 8.8 magnitude occurred in Chile, the epicenter was located in the Chilean Sea, opposite the towns of Curanipe and Cobquecura. The quake lasted about 2 minutes 45 seconds, at least in Santiago. Produced more than 500 dead and affected half a million homes.

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